16 aprile 2020 giovedì. 07:23:59 UTC
I know, xxxxxx, is your pass word.
I require your total attention for the the next 24 hrs, or I will make sure you that you live out of guilt for the rest of your existence.
Hello there, you do not know me personally. But I know everything concerning you. Your present facebook contact list, smartphone contacts along with all the virtual activity on your computer from previous 163 days.
Including, your self pleasure video clips, which brings me to the primary reason why I am crafting this specific e-mail to you.
Well the last time you went to see the porno web sites, my malware ended up being triggered in your pc which ended up saving a lovely video clip of your self pleasure play simply by triggering your web camera.
(you got a really odd preference btw lol)
You have 24 hours in order to do so. Your time will begin as soon you read through this e-mail. I have got an unique program code that will tell me once you read this mail so don't attempt to play smart.
fonte dei dati